English A1


English A2


English B1


English B2


English C1


Table English C1

Level Chapter Title Exercice Download
C1.1 Music Subordinating conjunctions Grammar
C1.1 Music Analogies Skills
C1.1 Music Soul Music in the USA Reading
C1.1 Music The earliest musical instruments Speaking
C1.1 Music Playing music makes you smarter Reading
C1.1 Music Traditional music Speaking
C1.1 Music Beethoven and Mozart Reading
C1.1 Music Woodstock Festival Speaking
C1.1 Literature Future in the past Grammar
C1.1 Literature Admitting fault and apologising Skills
C1.1 Literature The Lost Generation Reading
C1.1 Literature Sisyphos Speaking
C1.1 Literature Sherlock Holmes Reading
C1.1 Literature John Keats Speaking
C1.1 Literature Moby Dick Reading
C1.1 Literature Stream of consciousness writing Speaking
C1.1 Mysteries and Curiosities Structuring a sentence: relative clauses Grammar
C1.1 Mysteries and Curiosities Expressing regrets and criticisms Skills
C1.1 Mysteries and Curiosities People who disappear Reading
C1.1 Mysteries and Curiosities Why do we sleep? Speaking
C1.1 Mysteries and Curiosities The book that predicted the Titanic Reading
C1.1 Mysteries and Curiosities Einstein's stolen brain Speaking
C1.1 Mysteries and Curiosities The Tell-Tale Heart Reading
C1.1 Mysteries and Curiosities Synchronicity Speaking
C1.1 Visual arts Structuring a sentence: inversion Grammar
C1.1 Visual arts Negotiating and dealing with conflict Skills
C1.1 Visual arts Christy Brown Reading
C1.1 Visual arts The transition from silent to talking pictures Speaking
C1.1 Visual arts Van Gogh Reading
C1.1 Visual arts Dadaism Speaking
C1.1 Visual arts The Picture of Dorian Gray Reading
C1.1 Visual arts Early animated film Speaking
C1.1 Identity and Inspiration Modals in the past Grammar
C1.1 Identity and Inspiration Speculation and deduction Skills
C1.1 Identity and Inspiration Einstein Reading
C1.1 Identity and Inspiration Mahatma Gandhi Speaking
C1.1 Identity and Inspiration Genealogy Reading
C1.1 Identity and Inspiration Climbing Mount Everest Speaking
C1.1 Identity and Inspiration Poetry Reading
C1.1 Identity and Inspiration Leadership styles Speaking
C1.1 Classic and contemporary folklore Ellipsis Grammar
C1.1 Classic and contemporary folklore Making presentations and speeches Skills
C1.1 Classic and contemporary folklore The rise of the anti-hero Reading
C1.1 Classic and contemporary folklore Robin Hood Speaking
C1.1 Classic and contemporary folklore The history of beer Reading
C1.1 Classic and contemporary folklore Witch hunts Speaking
C1.1 Classic and contemporary folklore Classic children's tales Reading
C1.1 Classic and contemporary folklore Prohibition in the 1920s Speaking
C1.1 Review C1.1 Comparison essay Writing
C1.1 Review C1.1 Writing a review Writing
C1.2 Migration English subjunctive Grammar
C1.2 Migration Advanced structures to express modality Skills
C1.2 Migration Reverse culture shock Reading
C1.2 Migration Different accents of the English language Speaking
C1.2 Migration Historical migration of English language Reading
C1.2 Migration The prospect of migration to other planets Speaking
C1.2 Migration Reading 'The Country of the Blind' Reading
C1.2 Migration Migration to the USA Speaking
C1.2 Entertainment Introduction to tense shifting Grammar
C1.2 Entertainment Rhetoric and persuasion Skills
C1.2 Entertainment Living in a post-truth society Reading
C1.2 Entertainment Satire and comedy of serious issues Speaking
C1.2 Entertainment Beauty standards and feminism Reading
C1.2 Entertainment Emojis in language Speaking
C1.2 Entertainment Sedentary lifestyles Reading
C1.2 Entertainment Celebrity culture Speaking
C1.2 Historic moments Advanced phrasal verbs Grammar
C1.2 Historic moments Academic language Skills
C1.2 Historic moments How much history do humans need? Reading
C1.2 Historic moments Dealing with projects Speaking
C1.2 Historic moments The printing revolution Reading
C1.2 Historic moments The Space Race Speaking
C1.2 Historic moments Beginnings of slavery's end Reading
C1.2 Historic moments The discovery of electricity Speaking
C1.2 Law and order Adverb phrases Grammar
C1.2 Law and order Advanced complaining Skills
C1.2 Law and order Ned Kelly Reading
C1.2 Law and order Wall Street Stock Exchange Speaking
C1.2 Law and order Copyright and creative commons Reading
C1.2 Law and order Invention of the guillotine Speaking
C1.2 Law and order The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' Reading
C1.2 Law and order Capital punishment Speaking
C1.2 Alternative living Adverbial clauses Grammar
C1.2 Alternative living Moral arguments and debates Skills
C1.2 Alternative living Berlin in the 90s Reading
C1.2 Alternative living Intercultural communication Speaking
C1.2 Alternative living Amish Reading
C1.2 Alternative living Hitchhiking and adventure Speaking
C1.2 Alternative living King Solomon's Mines Reading
C1.2 Alternative living Entrepreneurship Speaking
C1.2 Civilisation Position of adjectives & adverbs Grammar
C1.2 Civilisation Latin and Greek roots Skills
C1.2 Civilisation Comparing ancient civilisations Reading
C1.2 Civilisation Women's right to vote Speaking
C1.2 Civilisation The perception of time Reading
C1.2 Civilisation Describing problems Speaking
C1.2 Civilisation Reading 'Walden' by H. D. Thoreau Reading
C1.2 Civilisation Consumerism Speaking
C1.2 Review C1.2 Writing a formal debate speech Writing
C1.2 Review C1.2 Writing a problem-solution essay Writing
C1.3 Nature conservation Relative pronouns in focus Grammar
C1.3 Nature conservation How to read a scientific article? Skills
C1.3 Nature conservation The Keartons: first professional wildlife photographers Reading
C1.3 Nature conservation Giant panda no longer endangered Speaking
C1.3 Nature conservation The importance of bird conservation Reading
C1.3 Nature conservation Polar ice caps are melting Speaking
C1.3 Nature conservation Ralph Waldo Emerson's 'Nature' Reading
C1.3 Nature conservation Sustainability Speaking
C1.3 Science and society Advanced phrasal verbs in focus Grammar
C1.3 Science and society The paragraph in focus Skills
C1.3 Science and society Trophy hunting Reading
C1.3 Science and society Preparing for oral exams Speaking
C1.3 Science and society Deforestation Reading
C1.3 Science and society Conflict management Speaking
C1.3 Science and society Graph description in depth Reading
C1.3 Science and society Recycling and waste management Speaking
C1.3 Our planet and beyond Participle clauses in focus Grammar
C1.3 Our planet and beyond Proofreading, editing and writing concisely Skills
C1.3 Our planet and beyond Pangaea Reading
C1.3 Our planet and beyond What is a black hole? Speaking
C1.3 Our planet and beyond Ice ages Reading
C1.3 Our planet and beyond Carbon footprints Speaking
C1.3 Our planet and beyond The Time Machine Reading
C1.3 Our planet and beyond Advanced contract negotiations Speaking
C1.3 Geography Phrasal verbs for describing people Grammar
C1.3 Geography Written and conversational humour Skills
C1.3 Geography Lost tribes of the Amazon Rainforest Reading
C1.3 Geography New Seven Wonders of the World Speaking
C1.3 Geography The Grand Canyon Reading
C1.3 Geography The Giant's Causeway Speaking
C1.3 Geography Nature poetry Reading
C1.3 Geography Survival in the desert Speaking
C1.3 Biology Sentence structure: prepositional phrase in focus Grammar
C1.3 Biology Advanced arguing: thinking on your feet Skills
C1.3 Biology Biological immortality Reading
C1.3 Biology Food from the lab Speaking
C1.3 Biology The brain Reading
C1.3 Biology The common cold Speaking
C1.3 Biology Reading 'The Origin of Species' Reading
C1.3 Biology Making an advanced presentation Speaking
C1.3 Psychology Cleft sentences: adding emphasis Grammar
C1.3 Psychology Slang and colloquialisation Skills
C1.3 Psychology Can creativity be taught? Reading
C1.3 Psychology Yoga Speaking
C1.3 Biology Synaesthesia Reading
C1.3 Psychology The impact of language on society Speaking
C1.3 Psychology Katherine Mansfield Reading
C1.3 Psychology Coping mechanisms Speaking
C1.3 Review C1.3 Cause & effect essay Writing
C1.3 Review C1.3 Creative writing Writing
C1.4 Future Future tenses: making assumptions and predictions Grammar
C1.4 Future Using tact and diplomacy Skills
C1.4 Future Ecotourism Reading
C1.4 Future Virtual reality Speaking
C1.4 Future The end of notes and coins? Reading
C1.4 Future The future of artificial intelligence Speaking
C1.4 Future Jules Verne's 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea' Reading
C1.4 Future Writing a public review online Speaking
C1.4 Movement Modality in focus: using 'can' Grammar
C1.4 Movement Mediating Skills
C1.4 Movement The future of transportation Reading
C1.4 Movement Are we getting fitter or lazier? Speaking
C1.4 Movement Haptic technology Reading
C1.4 Movement Travelling and technology Speaking
C1.4 Movement Gulliver's Travels Reading
C1.4 Movement Mastering job interviews Speaking
C1.4 Humans and machines Modality in focus: using might, may and dare Grammar
C1.4 Humans and machines Going to the doctor: advanced Skills
C1.4 Humans and machines Androids Reading
C1.4 Humans and machines Human memory implants Speaking
C1.4 Humans and machines Human evolution and the role of tools Reading
C1.4 Humans and machines ENIAC: the first computer Speaking
C1.4 Humans and machines Do machines think? Reading
C1.4 Humans and machines Technoethics Speaking
C1.4 Connectedness Modifiers, intensifiers and postmodifiers Grammar
C1.4 Connectedness Giving constructive criticism Skills
C1.4 Connectedness From letter to e-mail Reading
C1.4 Connectedness The history of mobile communication Speaking
C1.4 Connectedness Internet access then and now Reading
C1.4 Connectedness Smart living Speaking
C1.4 Connectedness A Centennial Telegraphic Romance' Reading
C1.4 Connectedness Smart cities: utopia or dystopia? Speaking
C1.4 Working Smart 2.0 Adjectives in focus Grammar
C1.4 Working Smart 2.0 Paraphrasing and reframing ideas Skills
C1.4 Working Smart 2.0 Multitasking and technology Reading
C1.4 Working Smart 2.0 Women in tech Speaking
C1.4 Working Smart 2.0 Humans and machines: collaboration, not competition Reading
C1.4 Working Smart 2.0 What is 'going digital'? Speaking
C1.4 Working Smart 2.0 Preparing for a writing exam Reading
C1.4 Working Smart 2.0 Careers that are safe in the Digital Age Speaking
C1.4 Technology and the environment The language of technology Grammar
C1.4 The influence of technology More academic vocabulary Skills
C1.4 The influence of technology Paperless offices: workplaces of the future? Reading
C1.4 The influence of technology Music genres influenced by technology Speaking
C1.4 The influence of technology Internet addiction and Hikikomori syndrome Reading
C1.4 The influence of technology Globalisation of ideas Speaking
C1.4 The influence of technology The future of libraries Reading
C1.4 The influence of technology Filter bubbles Speaking
C1.4 Review C1.4 Writing an article Writing
C1.4 Review C1.4 Writing an editorial letter Writing
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